AXIS: Journal of Lasallian Higher Education

VOL 13, NO 1 (2022)

Section I: Original Scholarly and Creative Works

Chris Bobier, Ph.D.
Michael Hahn, Ph.D.

Character, Virtue and Ethics in Faith-Based Higher Education: Who Should I Become? A Short Précis of A Christian Education in the Virtues: Character Formation and Human Flourishing (Routledge, 2021)
James Arthur, Ph.D.

Countering Teleopathy in Catholic Universities: Toward a Theologically Modified Character and Virtue Education Framework
Matthew Gerlach, Ph.D.

Virtuous Universities and Virtuous Citizens: The Role of Formation for the Good in the Academy and the Particular Impact on Diverse Ideas
James Patrick Burns, IVD, Ph.D.
Marcy Van Fossen, Ph.D.
Matthew Gerlach, Ph.D.

Catholic Social Teaching’s Demand for Justice Education at Catholic Residential College
David Kwon, Ph.D.

Infusing the Cardinal Virtues of Courage and Justice in Professional Development (PD) Programs with the Aim of Dismantling Racism: A Theoretical Investigation into How Character Education (CE) Might Aid in the Promotion of Human Flourishing
Antar Salim

An Historical Look at Teaching Civic Virtue and Moral Formation: The Role of Character Education in American Business Schools
Christine Beech

“Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher”: An Interpretation for Academic Administration in Higher Education
Matt J. Nowakowski

Fostering Virtue Formation in Aspiring School Leaders: One Institution’s Journey
Maureen V. Spelman

The Place of Character Education in the University: Early Lessons from an Explicit Course on Virtue
Mary Elizabeth Ann McCullough, RSM

Assessing University Character Education with Community: A Humanities Perspective
Nicola M. Imbrascio

ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.