AXIS: Journal of Lasallian Higher Education
VOL 9, NO 3 (2018)2024
VOL 15, NO 2 (2024)
VOL 15, NO 1 (2024)
VOL 14, NO 2 (2023)
VOL 14, NO 1 (2023)
VOL 12, NO 3 (2021)
VOL 12, NO 2 (2021)
VOL 12, NO 1 (2021)
VOL 11, NO 2 (2020)
VOL 11, NO 1 (2020)
VOL 10, NO 2 (2019)
VOL 10, NO 1 (2019)
VOL 9, NO 3 (2018)
VOL 9, NO 2 (2018)
VOL 9, NO 1 (2018)
VOL 8, NO 3 (2017)
VOL 8, NO 2 (2017)
VOL 8, NO 1 (2017)
VOL 7, NO 3 (2016)
VOL 7, NO 2 (2016)
VOL 7, NO 1 (2016)
VOL 6, NO 3 (2015)
VOL 6, NO 2 (2015)
VOL 6, NO 1 (2015)
VOL 5, NO 3 (2014)
VOL 5, NO 2 (2014)
VOL 5, NO 1 (2014)
VOL 4, NO 3 (2013)
VOL 4, NO 2 (2013)
VOL 4, NO 1 (2013)
VOL 3, NO 3 (2012)
VOL 3, NO 2 (2012)
VOL 3, NO 1 (2012)
VOL 2, NO 2 (2011)
VOL 2, NO 1 (2011)
AXIS: Journal of Lasallian Higher Education exists to encourage and share original scholarly and creative works about, and texts of historic significance to, Lasallian Catholic Higher Education. AXIS is a free, open-access, electronic, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary periodical published twice per year. This site is designed to work with Firefox, Safari and Explorer browsers.
Section I: Original Scholarly and Creative works
The Lived Experience of First-Generation International Lasallian Women Leaders
Susan R. Hines, EdD
The Lasallian Higher Education Network Today
William Mann, FSC, DMin
The International Association of La Salle Universities: Identity Meets Internationalization
Carlos F. Coelho, PhD, JD
Preserving the Precious Gem of Lasallian Workplace Belonging
Anthony Charles Behan III, EdD
Resilience through Supportive Relationships: Scientific Support for Lasallian Education
Camela Steinke, PhD
The Spirit of Faith as Foundational to Lasallian Education
Gery Short, AFSC, MDiv
Twenty-First Century Lasallian Education: Where Technology Meets Albert Borgmann and De La Salle
George Van Grieken, FSC, PhD
Section II: Shared Knowledge Archive
University Education within the Lasallian Mission
Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría, FSC, MA
Our Lasallian Universities: A Path of Mission and Association
Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría, FSC, MA