AXIS: Journal of Lasallian Higher Education

University Representatives

Representatives from each Lasallian college and university in the United States are involved with AXIS in a number of ways, including by supporting the editorial board and writers, encouraging and accompanying new authors, promoting the use of AXIS on their respective campuses, and more.

Representatives include:

  • Shelly McCallum-Ferguson, D.B.A., Professor and Endowed Chair for Business, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
  • Joey Preston, Major Gifts Officer, Christian Brothers University
  • Alisa Macksey, Vice President of Mission, Diversity and Inclusion, La Salle University
  • Brother Dan Gardner, FSC, Executive Director, Campus Ministry & Social Action, Manhattan College
  • Kurt Schackmuth, Ph.D., Vice President for Student Life & Chief Mission Officer, Lewis University
  • Frances Sweeney, Ph.D., Vice President for Mission, Saint Mary’s College of California


ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.