by Alisa Macksey | Jan 18, 2018 | Robert Schieler, FSC, Ed.D.
Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, EdD ABSTRACT These remarks were delivered at a Lasallian Global Women’s Symposium that was held in Auckland, New Zealand, from 16 to 19 July 2017. Brother Robert notes, “I am grateful to the following Lasallian Partners who graciously...
by Alisa Macksey | Jan 18, 2018 | Thomas Johnson, FSC, M.A.
Brother Thomas Johnson, FSC, MA ABSTRACT These remarks were delivered during the course of a convocation at Christian Brothers University in Memphis on August 18, 2016. This paper touches on the nature of the Lasallian heritage shared by educators, the vision of...
by admin | Jan 12, 2018 | Louis DeThomasis FSC PhD
Brother Louis DeThomasis, FSC ABSTRACT This presentation was delivered on February 27, 2016, at a Forum sponsored at the Casa Generalizia of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in Rome by the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission of the International...
by admin | Jan 2, 2018 | Michel Sauvage, FSC, S.T.D.
Michel Sauvage, FSC STD ABSTRACT Cahiers Lasallians has published in two volumes the doctoral dissertation in theology defended by Miguel Campos at the Pontifical Lateran University in October 1973. The jury noted that, like several of his fellow students at the Jesus...
by admin | Jan 2, 2018 | Luke Salm, FSC, S.T.D.
Luke Salm, FSC, STD ABSTRACT The subject assigned to this presentation is: What Does a Lasallian Educator Do? The answer is obvious: The Lasallian educator educates. In an audience such as this, it might well be presumed that there is enough intelligence and expertise...
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