Scott Sorvaag, Ed.D.


Against the backdrop of John Baptist de La Salle and the founding story of the Lasallian educational movement, the author proposes a model of Lasallian leadership that draws upon the Lasallian lexicon.

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The Nature of Lasallian Leadership – Scott Sorvaag, Ed.D.

Keywords: Lasallian leadership, faith and zeal, accompaniment, together and by association, entrusted to our care, interiority, radical inclusiveness

Lasallian District of ARLEP

Scott Sorvaag, who earned his doctorate in leadership at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, is presently a professor of education at Saint Mary’s. He is a graduate of the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies and, more recently, facilitated sessions on Lasallian pedagogy at the Johnston Institute of Contemporary Lasallian Practice.

ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.