In these remarks given on the occasion of his installation as president of the university, this well-respected Lasallian leader articulates a bold and inspiring vision for the future of Ethiopian Catholic University – La Salle and for Lasallian higher education in the 21st century.
Full Text:
Ethiopian Catholic University – La Salle: For Ethiopia, Africa, and the World
Keywords: university, truth, education, Catholic, Ethiopia, Lasallian, pandemic, universal fraternity, human dignity, integral ecology
Gómez Restrepo FSC, Carlos G.
Brother Carlos G. Gómez Restrepo, who earned his doctorate in educational leadership at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, is the recently appointed president of Ethiopian Catholic University – La Salle in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He is a former rector of Universidad La Salle in Bogotá, Colombia, and a past president of the International Association of La Salle Universities (IALU).
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