Philip Rofrano


Brother Augustine Benedict Loes, FSC was a member of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Initially, a member of the New York District, and later the District of Eastern North America (DENA). During his very long life he was a teacher, administrator, religious superior, in charge of the formation of young Brothers and a zealous advocate for the poor. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and make Brothers and colleagues aware of the work he did for poor youth and their families, and his contributions to child-welfare and juvenile justice, particularly in the state of New York. Brother Augustine wrote papers, gave lectures, and presentations to remind Brothers and colleagues of the preferred option of educational service of the poor. Brother Augustine also translated and edited a number of seminal Lasallian works in order to raise awareness of this important educational service. There is a large collection of his writings, letters, presentations, and emails preserved in the DENA archives at Manhattan College, the source of much of the information in this paper.


Br. Augustine Loes; Service of the Poor through Education


Brother Gus and Service of the Poor


Convention: MCA-AL B# F# refers to Manhattan College Archives, Br. Augustine Loes collection, Box number, Folder number: Loes, Augustine

(1967) Position paper: “Finality of the Institute.” MCA-AL B7 F12

(1975) “Testimony to the Temporary Commission on Child Welfare” MCA-AL B7 F 9

(1976a) “Role of the Executive Director …” MCA-AL B7 F 9

(1976b) “The Dilemma of Service Delivery to Children and Families in a Time of Fiscal Austerity.” MAC-AL B7 F 9

(1976c) “A Brother Reflects on 45 Years.” The Evangelist. April 1, 1976 MCA-AL B3 F3

(1977) “How to Improve Services to Court-Related Youth.” MCA-AL B7 F 9

(1978) “testimony before the National Commission for Children in Need of Parents.” MCA-AL B3 F1.

(1980) “Proposal for a Lasallian Publication” MCA-AL B 3 F 2.

(1981) “My Most Meaningful Experience as a Brother.” MCA-AL B1 F1

(1982) “Presentation at a Dinner Meeting with Andrus, McQuade, and Children’s Homes Of Kingston and Poughkeepsie”. MCA-AL B7 F 9

(1983) “A Proposal to Revise the Rule.” MCA-AL B3 F1

(1988) “Characteristics of the Lasallian School.” MCA-AL B2 F3

(1990) “Memo to the NY District Chapter” MCA-AL B3 F3

(1999) “Thirty Years of Evolution in Service of the Poor.” Lasallianum #47-8-B-201. MCA-AL B3 F2

(2003) “The History of My Spiritual Life”, MCA-AL B1 F2.

Loes, Mary (Undated Letter) MCA-AL B1 F1.

Luhrmann, Tanya (2001) “A Perfect Test Case.” The NY Times Book Review, March 25, 2001.

Nussbaum, Jeff (2015) “The Night the City Saved Itself from Bankruptcy” The New Yorker, October 16, 2015.

About the Author

Philip Rofrano, FSC

Brother Philip Rofrano, FSC is the retired founding Executive Director of Martin de Porres Group Homes (1974). Brother Philip is a licensed clinical social worker in state of New York.

ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.