Matthew Nowakowski, MBA, EdD


Secularization, or an increased influence of worldly forces and values and a movement away from a traditionally religious-centric emphasis has affected the culture and operations of Lasallian universities. This paper explores how Lasallian universities can respond to the influence of secularization through a core construct of our charism, namely the formation of community.

Full Text:

Informed by Community: Lasallian University Adaptations in Twenty-First Century American University Secular Culture

Keywords: Lasallian Community; Secularization; Higher Education; Brother Gerard Rummery

Matthew Nowakowski, MBA, EdD, is Dean of the graduate school of business and technology, and Program Director of the master of business administration at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota. He received the doctoral degree in educational leadership from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, and is a graduate of the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies.

ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.