Luke Salm, FSC, STD


Developments in the Church and in the Institute in the last thirty years have resulted in a breakdown of the barriers that separate the vowed members of the Institute from lay and clerical persons associated with the mission and the tradition of the Institute in a variety of ways. This has resulted in a desire to be more closely tied to the Institute on the part of many who are not, cannot be, or have no vocation to become vowed Brothers. This makes it urgent for the Institute to consider the possibility of some form of membership for such persons for their own benefit and that of the Institute itself. As the average age of the Brothers rises and their numbers decline on the one hand and, on the other, the number of those associated with the Brothers in various ways escalates, it comes down to a question of whether the Institute is becoming smaller or in fact growing larger, perhaps by leaps and bounds. The opportunity of formally opening up the concept of membership now presents itself. The question is complex and the pages that follow will attempt to set forth the principal issues involved and suggest some possibilities for action.


De La Salle; Lasallian; Catholic Church; Association


Associate Membership in the Institute

About the Author

Luke Salm, FSC, S.T.D.

Brother Luke Salm (1921-2009) was a professor of religious studies at Manhattan College for more than half a century. He was the first religious Brother and non-cleric to earn a doctorate in theology (S.T.D.) at The Catholic University of America (1955). He was an elected delegate of the District of New York to the 39th, 40th, 41st, and 42nd General Chapters of the Brothers of the Christian Schools; and he was a noted historian of the life of Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.