Jean-Louis Schneider, FSC, MA


Understanding certain words and expressions in John Baptist de La Salle’s cultural and linguistic context:

Associate, To Associate Myself, Society, Together (together and by association), To Unite Myself, To Remain (in Society), Company

We must consider the meaning of these words as people use them in the 17th and 18th centuries, that is, by reading the definitions in the dictionaries published at the time. I consulted the Dictionary by Furetière (1680); two editions of the Dictionary of l’Académie Française, indicated below as AF 1694 and AF 1762; the Dictionary by Trévoux (1743-1752); and Le Robert, Dictionnaire Historique de la Langue Française (1992), indicated below as DHLF.


Lasallian; Association; De La Salle


Consider the Vocabulary of Association

About the Author

Jean-Louis Schneider, FSC, M.A.

Brother Jean-Louis Schneider, who finalized this brief document about the vocabulary of association on September 27, 2004, is a member of the District of France. He has been a frequent presenter at the Centro Internazionale Lasalliano (CIL) in Rome and a regular presenter in Lasallian formation and education programs in his own District; and he was the Institute’s Director of Lasallian Studies in Rome from 2004 to 2009.

ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.