George Van Grieken, FSC, Ph.D.
Discussing genuine intimacy with God is both astounding and daunting, as God is beyond complete understanding. George Van Grieken, FSC offers seeds of thoughts nurtured and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Pursuing intimacy with God can be transformative and challenging, like the wild and untamed Aslan from C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia. Abraham Joshua Heschel describes “the fear of the Lord” as awe, enabling us to perceive the divine. Our goals include moving from cultural religiosity to genuine intimacy with God, deepening spiritual motivations, discovering God’s presence, and recognizing the necessity of prayer. Advancement in the spiritual life requires effort, unpredictability, and dedication.
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Spiritual intimacy, discernment, transformation
About the Author
Brother George Van Grieken is a De La Salle Christian Brother who recently served as the Secretary-Coordinator of the Lasallian Research and Resources Service at the Casa Generalizia in Rome and is the Coordinator of the Lasallian Resource Center []. A graduate of Saint Mary’s College of California (BA and MA) and of Boston College (Ph.D.), he has worked as a classroom teacher and in Lasallian formation, vocation ministry, and school leadership, including two years as President and CEO of St. Joseph’s Institution International School in Singapore. His writings and workshops focus on Lasallian spirituality and formation, especially their application and integration in today’s society and educational contexts.