James Gaffney, FSC, DMin.


James Gaffney, FSC, discusses the need for well-qualified Mission Officers as essential for advancing the mission and identity of Lasallian Catholic colleges, ensuring strategic planning, alignment, and resource allocation. They play a key role in creating a positive environment for students amidst cultural and church challenges. Increased formation programs are needed to meet demand, involving Brothers in campus formation and trustee engagement. Collaboration and resource sharing among institutions are encouraged for viability. The mission is crucial in attracting and retaining staff, with teachers shaping the educational experience. Sustaining the Lasallian mission requires innovation, collaboration, and a focus on values-centered education for societal benefit.

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Empowering the Mission Officer, Helping Guarantee the Mission


Mission Officer, mission, collaboration, Lasallian education

About the Author

Brother James Gaffney, president emeritus of Lewis University, holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Education from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, a Master of Arts from Manhattan College and a Doctorate of Ministry in Pastoral Theology from the University of Saint Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL. He has received many honors for his leadership, including the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal from the Vatican for his service to the Catholic Church and the Hesburgh Award from the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities for his exceptional contributions to Catholic higher education.

ISSN: 2151-2515
© Christian Brothers Conference 2023.