George Van Grieken, FSC, Ph.D.
The essay provides an understanding of the Lasallian vocation within a theology of vocation; i.e., within the Church’s historical understanding of that notion. The Lasallian vocation includes distinctive Lasallian vocational markers and arguably engages others on the path of vocation discernment. Through key concepts and insights from the bible, theologians, De La Salle, and other major figures, the Lasallian vocational call is situated within a broader context, so that Lasallians may come to appreciate the adventures in God’s presence that yet lie ahead, both for them and for those entrusted to their care.
Full Text: A Toolbox for Thinking About Vocations, Lasallian or Otherwise
Keywords: Vocation, Call, Church, Vatican Council II, Theology, Discernment
Brother George Van Grieken, FSC, Ph.D.
Brother George Van Grieken is a frequent presenter and facilitator at the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies and the Brother John Johnston Institute of Contemporary Lasallian Practice. He holds a Ph.D. in Religion and Education from Boston College and has given board and staff workshops on Lasallian themes in the Philippines, Australia, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. Brother George currently serves as the director of the Lasallian Resource Center in Napa, CA.