IALU 2011 Cohort
The International Lasallian University Leadership Program, which occurs every summer at Casa La Salle in Rome, is an intensive two-week immersion program for college and university faculty and leaders from around the globe concentrating on the Lasallian educational heritage and Catholic institutional identity. Participants form a dynamic community of learners who share rich experiences of their own professional work, receive instruction on Lasallian core values and the Catholic intellectual tradition, participate in daily prayer, visit significant historic sites in Italy, examine core documents of the 330-year-old Lasallian educational movement and commit to a project that advances their institution’s mission. About 50 college and university faculty and leaders from around the world participated in this two-week program from June 5-18, 2011 and here presented is the statement of engagement on behalf of the Lasallian educational mission that they put into writing in their final days together.
Catholic Higher Education; Lasallian
Proposal of Cohort V of the International Lasallian University Leadership Program
About the Author
IALU 2011 Cohort