Elizabeth E. Seebach, Ph.D., Lori J. N. Charron, Ph.D.
This paper examines the question, “How do we remain true to our Lasallian pedagogy when teaching online?” To answer the question, focus groups applied online teaching strategies to “The Twelve Virtues of a Good Master” (Agathon, 1785) which are seminal to Lasallian teaching practices. Practical applications are given for each of the virtues: gravity, silence, humility, prudence, wisdom, patience, reserve, gentleness, zeal, vigilance, and piety.
Lasallian education; online pedagogy; distant education; Catholic online education; Twelve Virtues; Lasallian pedagogy
Envisioning a Lasallian Online Pedagogy: Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher in a Digital Environment
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About the Authors
Elizabeth E. Seebach, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Seebach, PhD, serves as an associate professor and department chair for the psychology department at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Elizabeth is interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning, body image, Lasallian pedagogy, and issues related to mental health of children and families. Her doctoral work in clinical psychology and postdoctoral work in pediatric neuropsychology led to both her academic career and a ten-year career in clinical practice, working with people with a wide range of mental health issues, including eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and brain trauma sequellae.
Lori J. N. Charron, Ph.D.
Dr. Charron is Professor in the Communication Department at the Undergraduate College, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.