Richard Tristano, Ph.D., Mary Catherine Fox, Ph.D., Melissa Luedtke, Ed.D., Sr. Judith K. Schaefer, OP, Ph.D.
Now is a key moment in the history of American Lasallian universities. This document, Prologue and Paradigm, attempts to seize this moment by offering a view of the Catholic, Lasallian university in terms that are comprehensive, specific, and flexible. Lasallian universities face considerable challenges and none greater than how to successfully compete with other universities, many of which possess much greater resources, while not only retaining but enhancing their Lasallian identities. Indeed, we believe that enhancing our Lasallian identities will make us more competitive because students and parents will find attractive an approach to education based on Lasallian values. Lasallian assessment is a response to these developments and a paradigm for integrating Lasallian values with those of the liberal arts and the university. Its goal is to create a truly integrated Lasallian university.
American Catholic Higher Education; Catholic higher education; De La Salle Christian Brothers; Lasallian;
About the Author
Richard Tristano, Ph.D.
Richard M. Tristano is professor of history at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (since 1991). He is an alumnus of Manhattan College and received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in history from New York University in 1983.
Mary Catherine Fox, Ph.D.
Dr. Mary Catherine Fox is Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, teaches in the Lasallian Core Traditions program, and works with the International Association of Lasallian Universities (IALU) Leadership program in Rome. She served as the initial chair of the Midwest District Mission and Ministry Council, and was a delegate both to the Regional Assembly in Salt Lake City in 2005 and the first International Assembly in Rome in 2006.
Melissa Luedtke, Ed.D.
Professor of Education and Associate Dean of Education
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, United States
Sister Judith Schaefer, O.P., Ph.D.
Sister Judith Schaefer, O.P., is a tenured Associate Professor of Theology at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. As a teacher, she is primarily responsible for supervision and training of pastoral and youth ministry majors, as well as teaching first year students and seniors within the Lasallian Core Traditions Program. Prior to her tenure at Saint Mary’s, Sister Judy ministered in parishes across the country in the areas of catechesis and religious education. Sister has also served as a facilitator of group process for the Mission and Ministry Council of the Midwest District of the Christian Brothers, INSECT (International Network of Societies of Catholic Theology), Communicative Theology Symposium, and various local and regional organizations. Sister Judy completed her doctoral work at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, in Theology and Society, with an allied discipline of psychology. Her doctoral dissertation on the intersection of theology and psychology on the topic of religious obedience has been accepted as a book in a series with the German publisher, LitVerlag. She has a Masters of Divinity degree from Aquinas Institute in Saint Louis and a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago. Sister Judy did her undergraduate work in elementary education and received a bachelors degree from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago. Sister Judith is a professed member of the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin.