Christian Brothers of Saint Mary’s College
This treatise on the Catholic nature of Lasallian higher education in the 21st century was written by two communities of Christian Brothers in consideration of the contemporary issues around which teachers and students must deliberate. Of necessity, they articulate a definition of Catholic scholar and the significance of the presence of Catholic scholars in the intellectual and formative life of the institution and its students.
American Catholic Higher Education; Catholic higher education; De La Salle Christian Brothers;Lasallian pedagogy;
About the Author
Christian Brothers of Saint Mary’s College
Brothers of Joseph Alemany Community and Saint Mary’s College Community Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, CA, USA
United States
Editor’s Note: This article was written in and unanimously approved, on Sunday, November 14, 2010, by:
Brothers of the Joseph Alemany Community
Bro. Roque Amorim, Bro. Michael Avila, Bro. William Beattie, Bro. Dominic Berardelli, Bro.
Camillus Chavez, Bro. Charles Hilken, Bro. Bernard LoCoco, Bro. Brendan Madden, Bro. Mark
McVann, Bro. Michael Meister, Bro. Bertrand Nguyen, Bro. Dominic Ruegg, Bro. Clarence
Schenk, Bro. Stanislaus Sobcyk
Brothers of the Saint Mary’s College Community
Bro. Mel Anderson, Bro. Martin Ash, Bro. Glenn Bolton, Bro. Kenneth Cardwell, Bro. Myron
Collins, Bro. Ronald Gallagher, Bro. Richard Lemberg, Bro. Donald Mansir, Bro. Raphael Patton,
Bro. Casimir Reichlin, Bro. Martin Yribarren